
@nathanofye's profile

NathanofYe @nathanofye
Heart rate up by doing boing body weight squats, step ups, and other light stuff between sets to keep my heart rate up, and after that I'd feel amazing for the next hour, practically high feeling, and low irritability for hou
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NathanofYe @nathanofye
It's also a great drug. Back when I was still functional, before Yeezy raped me, I'd workout to maximize the drug feeling. For me that was 15 minutes of run walking to warm up and 30 minutes of weightlifting where I'd keep my
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NathanofYe @nathanofye
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NathanofYe @nathanofye
Yes but I have forgot all context about what I was saying. What are we talking about? Ye is the reincarnation of Shabbatai Levi.
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NathanofYe @nathanofye
I am so sorry to the GAS mods. I forgot about the cultural taboo of Holocaust comparisons ,and the Holocaust was much more systematic then what Ye is doing. It's more the Holodomor that Ye is doing to his fans.
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NathanofYe @nathanofye
I don't mean that the Holocaust was at the scale of what Ye is doing. I know Ye has a far wider reach and audience. I am saying that what Ye is doing is worse then the Holocaust because of how many more people it has harmed
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NathanofYe @nathanofye
Yechat you are my only refuge. Yeezy keeps torturing me. Mods keep harassing me. Feds keep blackmailing me. I haven't been eating well. At first it was nice getting all cut but now I am just getting tireder and tireder.
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NathanofYe @nathanofye
Thank you for making these sight. It's already better then any other social media I have used. I can speak my shit here. Love Pedophiles. Love Hitler. Love Everyone.

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